Hi, my name is Nan Gaylord. I've been a pilot for 49 years and an examiner for 26 years. I started this company, Nan Enterprises in 1989 with the intent to test pilots after they have had weeks and even months of rigorous flight training. I hold the certificates and ratings of: Airline Transport Pilot, Airplane, Single and Multiengine Land; Gold Seal Flight Instructor, Instrument and Multiengine Instructor; and, Ground Instructor, Advanced and Instrument.
The primary function of Nan Enterprises at this time is to train the next generation of Flight Instructors. Since August, 2008 until now, November, 2020 I have held 94 CFI classes at Jones Riverside Airport in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Until this year when the Coronavirus struck in March, 2020 the classes had always been 5 students in classes of 3 consecutive Saturdays. Now due to socical distancing necessities the classes are 1 or 2 students for a week Monday thru Friday from 9:00 AM until 2:00 PM. In the 94 classes I have put through a total of 366 students. All have passed the Ground Portion of their CFI Intial Exam on the first attempt. I have just recently launched the same successful class online so that more CFI applicants around the U.S. can take advantage of the course.
Rides | Private | Instrument
| Commercial | CFI
2003 |